31 March 2009

Thanks again to Akim

Thanks to Rami and Ofra for the great music show . The staff , volunteers and children had a great time.

Everyone joined in the fun...

29 March 2009

A warm welcome to summer volunteers!

This summer [July-August 2009], we will have our usual summer programme and some interesting additions..........

We still have some open places for volunteers for the summer - of course the volunteers who have been here before have first preference. Your application form can be found in the following link: click here

To bring back good memories of summer 08, here are four pictures. Also you can find the post from summer 2008 in this blog.

We and the children are looking forward to sharing with you a great summer in 2009!

Guitar + mouth organs + good moods

Last Thursday a great music group was supposed to come. All the children were ready for the big concert waiting for the start. But unfortunately they had an accident on the way coming here, so that we had to fill in the gap in our programme. Why not give our own concert! Just with mouth organs, a guitar and our voices we saved the afternoon.

during the concert our special assistant D. offers individual treatment...

By the way, these kind of volunteer-concerts are given weekly, spontaneously and even the the workers and some children join in the now familiar tunes and songs.

08 March 2009

The latest donations

One of our Sisters' family from the U. States sent us some "big macs" for the children. This is an alternative way for the children to communicate, used by those children who are unable to talk. Our school has used them for years and thanks to this special family, the children are able to make use of them at home in St Vincent.

Thanks also for all the other equipment needed that you and your congregation so generously donated to us e.g. special swim wear, snoezelen music etc

[Pictures will soon be placed here on the blog, to demonstrate what a great form of communication the "big macs" are for our children, and also pictures of the other equipment...]

Thanks to a group of benefactors who came to visit recently, we now have some beautiful new physiotherapy balls, which the children use on a daily basis.

Purim celebrations in the Maayan School in our home

03 March 2009

Concerts and lessons from Akim are fun - thanks to Migel and Avi

Volunteers and workers join together for the rhythm/drum lesson with Migel

Akim Yisrael sends us these great artists to give us very special concerts. Today, Avi gave a great concert and as you can see by the pictures, even the children performed with him!

01 March 2009

beside the work - "das Vololeben"

Beside the work, life does go on. Most of our volunteers use the opportunity to travel and love it. Recently four of us traveled in the Sinai and had six great days. Snorkeling, camel riding and climbing on the Mount Sinai were the highlights of this trip. Here are some pictures:

a very relaxing restaurant near the Red Sea

the overhelming view from the Mount Sinai, short time after the sun raise

This picture is from a trip, we did in our six-hour break. The destination was John in the Desert. Because it is close to Ain Kerem, we could reach it by foot.

little master bakers

Our kids enjoyed the job of a baker in their activity time last Wednesday. It was fun to mix all the different ingredients together. The result was a nice brown dough at the end.

in the beginning was just flour...

the master baker A. with his assistants