Thanks to Roni from Akim Yisrael for sending us this great Brazilian artist, Migel !!!!!!!!!!!!!See also pictures of the "Migel Hour" we have once a week...
St. Vincent's heart was captured by the poor, when France was being revaged by epidemics and war. He began to serve them and was eventually asked to organize their care on the national level. He founded many international organizations, best known are the Priest of the Mission and the Daughters of Charity. He was the inspiration behind the founding of the St. Vincent DePaul Society.
Five Daugthers of Charity are full-time staff and resident. Their international organisation originated in France in 1633. They have worked in the Middle East 150 years and in Israel since 1886, so they have a long history of service to the disadvantaged.
St. Vincent today...
Today, our home for the 58 handicapped children is staffed with local caregivers and 25 volunteers from all over the world, who join the sisters to take care of & are resonsible for the wellbeing of our children.
More information you find on the official website of St. Vincent:
The House of St Vincent mourns for the loss of one of our founders, a great woman of our time, Sister Josephine. see above 18th August. To our dear Chiara and Guiseppe We are sorry to hear about the passing away of Chiara's Mother. We are all thinking of you and comfort you in your sad loss. We heard of the sad news that Thomas's Father passed away sudddenly.We are with you Thomas in our thoughts and prayers, even though we are far away, you are still very much in our hearts.May you and your family be comforted. We deeply regret to announce the sad tragic passing away of the son of Robert, the head of the Physiotherapy/Para-medic department in St Vincents, Ein Kerem. We all express our condolensces to Robert and all his family. May the Lord comfort you all in these hard times.
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nice job! waiting for your new artical. .................................................................
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